CPD Courses

LGBTQ + Awareness


This LGBTQ+ Awareness course will cover some of the specific language and terminology that is used in relation to LGBTQ+. This course will also cover discrimination and intersectional discrimination in detail, as well as looking in depth at the difference between bullying and harassment.

The Human Rights Act 1998 will be covered in this course and you will learn that if any individual believes that their human rights have been breached that they can take action against this in court.

You will consider LGBTQ+ Awareness in schools and the new obligation for schools in England to teach LGBTQ+ relationships as part of relationship and sex education classes. You will also explore the governments work in tackling bullying against LGBTQ+ in young people in schools and colleges.

In the course you will consider that it is important that everyone challenges LGBTQ+ phobia so that more harmonious communities and societies can be built.

The LGBTQ+ Awareness course will finish off by exploring real life case studies of harassment, bullying and discrimination and you will consider what the effects that these can have on a persons physical and mental health.

Unit 1
Introduction to LGBTQ+ – In this first unit you will learn to recognise some of the specific language and terminology that is used in relation to LGBTQ+. You will then go on to consider the impact of Section 28 and how Stonewall was developed and because of this, what they have achieved since their outset in 1989. In this unit you will also consider discrimination and intersectional discrimination in particular, before ending with the key elements of preventing homophobia and discrimination and some statistics of LGBTQ+.

Unit 2
LGBTQ+ legislation – This unit will focus on the legislation where several acts are examined to reflect their relevance to LGBTQ individuals. You will also consider LGBTQ+ awareness in schools and the new obligation for schools in England to teach about LGBTQ+ relationships as part of Relationship and Sex Education classes. The unit ends with information about Ofsted requirements in terms of LGBTQ+ being taught in education.

Unit 3
Transgender awareness – This unit will give you a clear understanding of what the terms ‘gender variance’, ‘transitioning’ and ‘gender reassignment’ mean. You will take into consideration how transitioning can take place and what rights individuals have when they have reassigned their gender.

Unit 4
Discrimination faced by trans individuals – In this unit you will consider some of the key terms that are related to discrimination and how these relate specifically to trans individuals. You will examine the short and long-term impacts of discrimination and what they can be, as well as studying a case study at the end of this unit which will highlight a case of direct discrimination and one trans individual’s victory against a local business.

Unit 5 
Establishing inclusive environments and managing intolerance – In the final unit you will learn the importance of building and maintaining positive engagements in order to bring about cohesive societies. You will consider what is meant by discrimination, how employers have to adhere to anti-discrimination legislation and how they effectively manage harassment and bullying in the workplace. This unit will end with a case study showing how a major retailer was taken to court by an employee for not adhering to legislation relating to discrimination and the impact that this had on the employee.

Course – Online

Cost £20 before discount

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