CPD Courses

Equality and Diversity for Teachers


Education providers have a legal duty to protect their employees and pupils from being unfairly treated. As a teacher, you have a responsibility to promote equality, diversity and inclusion when teaching and in general whilst you are at work.

As a teacher, you will need to know what protected characteristics are under the Equality Act 2010, as you will have a responsibility to your pupils within your classroom and colleagues within your education setting. Protected characteristics are specific aspects of a person’s identity and are personal to an individual. Every individual possesses several of these protected characteristics, albeit some will have more than others.

You will consider that if a person is discriminated against on the basis of any of the nine protected characteristics, then this is unlawful under the Equality Act 2010 and that not all unfair treatment is unlawful.

You will learn that having a well thought out equality, diversity and inclusion policy is the first step in preventing discrimination and unacceptable behaviour within an education setting. It is an overarching written statement detailing how equality, diversity and inclusion will be promoted and how discrimination will be prevented which will be outlined in our course.

Finally in our equality and diversity for teachers course, you will consider what steps you can take when making a discrimination complaint and that your employer should have procedures that detail the actions to take and how to make a complaint if you are a victim of discrimination or other unacceptable behaviour.

Unit 1
Introduction to equality, diversity and inclusion – In this first unit of our equality and diversity for teachers course, you will be introduced to equality, diversity, inclusion and discrimination and will look at what they mean. You will look at some legislation relating to equality, diversity and inclusion, and will focus on the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Equality Act 2010. You will consider some of the penalties that governing bodies and education providers can face for non-compliance. Finally, you will look at the responsibilities of education providers (as employers), employees and governing bodies.

Unit 2
Protected characteristics – In this unit, you will be introduced to what protected characteristics are under the Equality Act 2010 and will explore each one in detail. You will look at some examples of discrimination relating to the different types of protected characteristics. Finally, you will look at what to consider when teaching pupils about protected characteristics.

Unit 3
Types of discrimination – In this unit, you will be introduced to discrimination. You will explore the four main types and some examples. You will also cover some additional types of discrimination, such as those specific to disabilities, lawful and positive. Finally, you will consider the human aspects that can lead to discrimination and some examples of unacceptable behaviours. You will go on to look at the impact discrimination can have in an education setting.

Unit 4
Preventing and reporting discrimination – In the final unit, you will be introduced to ways of preventing discrimination within an education setting. You will look at what education providers and you as a teacher can do to promote equality, diversity and inclusion. You will also cover challenging discrimination and unacceptable behaviour. Finally, you will look at reporting incidents of discrimination and unacceptable behaviour and what to do if a complaint is not resolved to an individual’s satisfaction.

Course – Online

Cost £15 before discount

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