CPD Courses

Mental Health Awareness for Teachers


In this course you will look at the statistics of mental health amongst teachers along with common kinds of mental health problems associated with the profession. The course looks at the impact that this has on teachers, their work and on others around them. It will include looking at the factors contributing to poor mental health and the signs and symptoms that can signal the emergence of problems. The course ends with a toolkit that teachers can use to help them maintain positive mental health.

Areas covered

  • Introduction to Mental Health Training for Teachers – In the first unit you will explore what mental health is and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. You will also look at mental health statistics in education.
  • Factors contributing to poor mental health – In this unit you will consider the factors contributing to poor mental health, you will also consider the factors that impact negatively on teachers’ mental health.
  • Common Mental Health Problems – In this unit you will consider the common mental health problems that are evident in teaching, you will also be introduced to the signs and symptoms of these.
  • Mental Health Toolkit – In the final unit of the Mental Health Awareness for Teachers course you will look at the numerous strategies that you can dip into in order to maintain good mental health.

Course – Online

Cost £20 before discount

Click here to find out more.  Remember to contact your branch consultant for your discount code before booking.