CPD Courses

Depression Awareness


This Depression Awareness course is designed to help you have better understand what depression is and how it is treated. The signs and symptoms of depression will be covered, as well as common methods of treatment.

Depression is one of the most common mental health disorder in the world and yet not a lot of people really understand what it is. This course aims to improve the knowledge of students and raise their awareness of how to spot signs of depression and help to help someone who is depressed.

Unit 1
Understanding Depression – In this first unit we will broadly look at what depression is and the typical experiences a person has when experiencing depression. This will lead us on to behaviours that may show when people are depressed as well as some of the main factors that can trigger depression such as genetic, biochemical, psychological and behavioural causes.

Unit 2
Feelings experienced with depression – Throughout this part of the course we will move on to look at the symptoms of depression and how people can show signs of being depressed. The unit will cover various areas such as feelings of guilt, fear, hypercriticism and isolation.

Unit 3
How depression affects a persons life – Depression, at its most severe, can have a devastating effect on individuals and their ability to live their life in a way which is fulfilling and meaningful. In this unit we will look at how depression affects individuals in a number of ways including physically, behaviourally and cognitively.

Unit 4
How depression affects others – Not only does depression affect the sufferer, it also has an impact on those closest to them. Here we look at how depression impacts the lives of family and friends that are closest to the person and the various impacts depression can have on a life. These will include family strain, daily life demands, Seasonal Affective Disorder, financial issues and physical health.

Unit 5
Resources and treatment – In this final unit we will look at resources and treatments that people with depression can go to for assistance. A wide variety of resources and advice is available to people with depression and understanding how to access this is vital in recovery.

Course – Online

Cost £20 before discount

Click here to find out more. Remember to contact your branch consultant for your discount code before booking.